Residential Trips

At Middleton Primary School we understand that learning also happens outside of the classroom. Throughout the school year, the children have the opportunity to take part in residential visits to various places to enhance their learning and build relationships with their peers.

The children at Middleton Primary school always enjoy these visits and come back full of stories to share.

Lineham Farm 2024

Every child that comes through school gets the opportunity to go on a 5 day residential to Lineham Farm free of charge. It is a busy week filled with fun activities such as cycling, crate stacking and bush craft. There are also some less physical activities for the children to enjoy including a country trail and a games night. Lineham is a charity that we work really closely with throughout the year and we're always so pleased to offer this residential to the children. The feedback from the children is always fantastic too!

Lineham 2024 Pictures

London 2023

We took children from Year 3, 4 5 and 6 to London on a two night residential. The first day we arrived, checked in at the hotel and headed out for dinner at Pizza Express and watched The Lion King at the Lyceum Theatre. It was spectacular. The next two days were full of site seeing, a River Cruise and a trip to the British Museum. On our way back to school on Friday, we spent the morning at Harry Potter studios. It was a fantastic few days filled with amazing sites, fantastic food and unforgettable experiences. 

London 2023 Pictures

Buckden 2023

Our Year 6 classes spent the week at Buckden house exploring all things outdoors. Caving, high ropes and team building tasks were amongst some of the activities the children completed across the week. They also enjoyed scrambling, long walks and a movie night. It was a great way to kick off their last year in primary school! 

Buckden 2023 Pictures

London 2022

Our annual London residential took place in the Summer Term this  year. Children in Years 4 to 6 enjoyed three days in the capital and had a fantastic time exploring the city. We went on the London Eye, saw Lion King at the theatre, saw lots of animals at London Zoo, visited Lego land, went sight seeing, ate out at restaurants and much, much more! See below for the photographs of the fantastic experiences…

London 2022 Pictures


Cober Hill 2022

We had an incredible four nights at Cober Hill. As well as staying in the beautiful hotel and having 3 course breakfasts and evening meals, we also went on lots of day trips. On our way to Cober Hill on the East Coast, we stopped off Eden Camp and encountered some fantastic experiences in the huts. The children were really intrigued about World War 2 and showed enormous respect. We travelled to Scarborough twice on an open top bus! The children had great fun in the sea and on the sand. They worked in teams to build sandcastle empires which were judged by Mrs Bullock! Both days they also ate at a fish and chip restaurant called Fish Pan -the food was amazing but so were the children! We also explored Scarborough Castle and looked at the history there, before some shopping on the front. In the middle of the Scarborough trips we visited Whitby! We went inside and around Whitby Abbey and into the museum which was packed with information about its history, including it being the inspiration for the story Dracula! Again, we spent time on the beach and on our way back we even had time for the amusements! Back at Cober Hill our evenings involved visiting a secret garden, bubble competitions, games night and a disco!

Cober Hill 2022 Pictures

Lineham Farm 2022

Wow! What an incredible week at Lineham Farm with Class 10. It was packed from start to finish of fun, active and challenging activities. The children showed great grit and determination throughout the week and had loads of fun too! We went indoor rock climbing, orienteering, learnt archery, went cycling in the woods and went on the low ropes! There was also some less physical activities in the mix which included feeding animals, a river walk, morning yoga and toasting marshmallows by the fire. It was an amazing experience for all involved and not only was it enjoyed by all, it was also great for character building!

Lineham Farm 2022 Pictures


Ingleborough Winter 2022

We took over 70 of our Year 6 children to Ingleborough for 4 nights during November. It was a funfilled week of activities and exploring the outdoors including lots of risk taking. Some of the activities included, caving, tree climbing, archery, exploring and map reading in the local area of Clapham. The children really took advantage of the experiences and put their all into each and every activity. It was a tiring week full of physical challenges but it was hugely enjoyed by all! 

Ingleborough 2022 Pictures


London Winter 2022 

We went back to London in December of 2022 with some fantastic children from Years 3, 4 and 5. As well as general sight seeing, we enjoyed meals at Pizza Express and Hard Rock Cafe. It was fantastic fun to go on the London Eye and see the capital from up high. The weather was beautiful and it was a really clear day so we could see for miles! We visited the Houses of Parliament and we were really lucky to meet with Hilary Benn, the local Member of Parliament for Middleton. One of the highlights of the trip was seeing The Lion King at the theatre. It really was outstanding and the children loved it! Finally, we visited Harry Potter World. It was magnificent to see all the costumes from the books and films and there were loads of fun and interactive things to do!

London Winter 2022 Pictures